Eighty-eight years ago this very moment Elsie Carlisle made her first radio broadcast. Richard J. Johnson, in his biography in “Memory Lane” (Issue 175), relates
“[Elsie Carlisle’s] first ever broadcast on Radio was from 2.L.O on 1st March 1926 at 9:05pm to 10:00pm. With her on this auspicious day were the London Radio Dance Band conducted by Sidney Firman and Billy Mason (vocalist/piano). Elsie’s portion in the show started at 9:36pm with ‘Oh Boy! What A Girl,’ ‘I Wonder Where My Baby Is Tonight’ and ‘No Man’s Mama.’ The spot lasted six minutes but she returned later to sing ‘Then I’ll Be Happy’ and ‘Give Me Just A Little Bit Of Your Love.'”
The reverse of this postcard mentions Ambrose, so it can be no earlier than 1932, but the original photograph of which it is a tinted version was taken around 1926.
"The Idol of the Radio." British dance band singer of the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.