Billy Mason Articles

Elsie Carlisle’s First Radio Broadcast (1926)

Eighty-eight years ago this very moment Elsie Carlisle made her first radio broadcast. Richard J. Johnson, in his biography in “Memory Lane” (Issue 175), relates

“[Elsie Carlisle’s] first ever broadcast on Radio was from 2.L.O on 1st March 1926 at 9:05pm to 10:00pm. With her on this auspicious day were the London Radio Dance Band conducted by Sidney Firman and Billy Mason (vocalist/piano). Elsie’s portion in the show started at 9:36pm with ‘Oh Boy! What A Girl,’ ‘I Wonder Where My Baby Is Tonight’ and ‘No Man’s Mama.’ The spot lasted six minutes but she returned later to sing ‘Then I’ll Be Happy’ and ‘Give Me Just A Little Bit Of Your Love.'”

Elsie Carlisle Postcard
The reverse of this postcard mentions Ambrose, so it can be no earlier than 1932, but the original photograph of which it is a tinted version was taken around 1926.

"The Idol of the Radio." British dance band singer of the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.