- Bacon, Max
- Baptism
- Bergman, Henry
- Berlin, Irving
- Blandford, Thomas
- Blitz, Leonard
- Bolton, Betty
- Bowlly, Al
- Brooks, Harry
- Broones, Martin
- Brown, Nacio Herb
- Browne, Sam
- Bryan, Alfred
- Burke, Joe
- Butt, Clara
- Caesar, Irving
- Campbell, Cheryl
- Cannon, Hughie
- Capano, Frank
- Cardew, Phil
- Carlisle, Basil
- Carlisle, Mary Ellen
- Carlisle, Wilfred Ypres
- Carlton, Harry
- Carmichael, Hoagy
- Carr, Michael
- Carroll, Eddie
- Carter, Desmond
- Casiroli, Nino
- Castleton, Pat
- Cavanaugh, James
- Cigarette cards
- Clare, Sidney
- Clarke, Grant
- Cleary, Michael H.
- Collazo, Ramón
- Collins, Gracie
- Connelly, Reg
- Connor, Tommy
- Conrad, Con
- Cook, Harty
- Cook, Mercer
- Coots, John Frederick
- Coslow, Sam
- Coward, Noël
- Creamer, Henry
- Daily Herald
- Damerell, Stanley J.
- David, Lee
- Davies, Arthur
- Davis, Benny
- De Lange, Eddie
- De Rose, Peter
- Dixon, Mort
- Dominion
- Donaldson, Walter
- Dore, Wallace
- Douglas, Ted
- Drake, Milton
- Drake, Ron
- Dubin, Al
- Durium Dance Band
- Fields, Dorothy
- Filler, Harry
- Fillis, Len
- Films
- Fiorito, Ted
- Firman, Sidney
- Fleeson, Neville
- Fontaina, Roberto
- Forbstein, Louis
- Freed, Arthur
- Freed, Ralph
- Friend, Cliff
- Gay, Noel
- Gert and Daisy
- Gibbons, Carroll
- Gideon, Melville
- Gilbert, Joseph George
- Gilbert, L. Wolfe
- Gillespie, Haven
- Gilt-Edged Four
- Goldberg, Max
- Golden, Jack
- Goodhart, Al
- Goodwin, Joe
- Gordon, Mack
- Gottler, Archie
- Grant, Ian
- Green, Bud
- Green, Johnny
- Greer, Jesse
- Grey, Nixon
- Grosz, Wilhelm
- Handman, Lou
- Hanighen, Bernard
- Harbach, Otto
- Hargreaves, Robert
- Harris, Jack
- Harris, Marion
- Hart, Lorenz
- Heidt, Horace
- Henderson, Ray
- Heyman, Edward
- Hill, Billy
- Hillebrand, Fred
- Hilliam, B.C.
- Hoffman, Al
- Holmes, Leslie
- Holstius, Val
- Hoskins, Bob
- Hudson, Harry
- Hueston, Billy
- Hughes, Jimmy
- Hughes, Spike
- Kahn, Gus
- Kalmar, Bert
- Keidel, Hal
- Kendel, Verdi
- Kennedy
- Kennedy, Jimmy
- Kent, Walter
- Kern, Jerome
- Killion, Leo V.
- Klages, Ray
- Koehler, Ted
- Kozák, Alexandros
- Lally, Arthur
- Lamprecht, Con
- Lawrence, Jack
- Layton, Turner
- Leach, Jimmy
- Le Clerq, Arthur
- Lee, Bert
- Leigh, Stan
- Leighton, Lane
- Lennon, John
- Leon, Harry
- Leslie, Edgar
- Levinson, Jerry
- Lewis, Al
- Lewis, Harold
- Loesser, Frank
- Lupino, Stanley
- Magidson, Herb
- Malneck, Matt
- Malpas, Wilfred
- Manchester
- Marriage
- Maschwitz, Eric
- Mason, Billy
- McCarthy, Joe
- McCartney, Paul
- McGhee, Bobbie
- McHugh, Jimmy
- McMichael, Ted
- Mercer, Johnny
- Meskill, Jack
- Miles, Lizzie
- Miller, Bob
- Monaco, James V.
- Montgomery, Reg
- Morris, Eddie
- Munro, Ronnie
- Myrow, Joe
- Mysels, Sammy
- Page, Bert
- Park, Phil
- Pathé
- Payne, Jack
- Peck, Raymond
- Pelosi, Don
- Pennies from Heaven
- Picadilly Revels Band
- Pinkard, Maceo
- Pola, Eddie
- Popplewell, Jack
- Porter, Cole
- Posford, George
- Postcards
- Potter, Dennis
- Price, George
- Rabin, Oscar
- Radio Pictorial
- Rand, Lionel
- Raven, Carol
- Ray, Cyril
- Razaf, Andy
- Read, Bert
- Redman, Don
- Revel, Harry
- Rhythm Brothers
- Rhythm Sisters
- Rignold, Hugo
- Ritz, Fred
- Robin, Leo
- Robinson, J. Russel
- Rodgers, Richard
- Rose, Billy
- Rose, Ed
- Rose, Vincent
- Rubens, Harry
- Ruby, Harry
- Rush, Peter
- Ruskin, Harry
- Sarony, Leslie
- Schwartz, Jean
- Scott-Wood, George
- Sherman, Al
- Sherwin, Manning
- Sigler, Maurice
- Signed photographs
- Silver, Abner
- Simons, Seymour
- Sirmay, Albert
- Smith, Clay
- Smith, Cyril
- Smith, Kate
- Sonin, Ray
- Sour, Robert
- Star, Nat
- Starita, Al
- Starita, Ray
- Starita, Rudy
- Stewart, Donald
- Stock, Larry
- Sugarman, Harry
- Swanstrom, Arthur
- Symes, Marty
- Waller, Fats
- Warren, Harry
- Watt, John
- Wayne, Mabel
- Weldon, Frank
- Wenrich, Percy
- Weston, R. P.
- White, Lee
- Whiting, Richard A.
- Wilbur, Jay
- Williams, Spencer
- Winnick, Maurice
- Woods, Harry
- Wright, Lawrence
- Wrubel, Allie
- Wynn, Ed
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"The Idol of the Radio." British dance band singer of the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.