This gallery includes photographs and other images of Elsie Carlisle. Such pictures can often be hard to date precisely, as the more beautiful and iconic ones tended to be reused in different forms for many years, but it is often possible to establish a terminus ante quem for them based on reappearances of the photos on sheet music which is easily dated.
Click on any picture to launch the lightbox gallery:
Elsie Carlisle at the Bassano Studios (August 22, 1919) – NPG x103149
Elsie Carlisle at the Bassano Studios (August 22, 1919) – NPG x103150
Elsie Carlisle at the Bassano Studios (August 22, 1919) – NPG x103151
Elsie Carlisle at the Bassano Studios (August 22, 1919) – NPG x103152
Cartoon of Elsie Carlisle in “The Encore” (February 18, 1926, three months before she began her recording career).
The reverse of this postcard mentions Ambrose, so it can be no earlier than 1932, but the original photograph of which it is a tinted version was taken around 1926.
Elsie Carlisle (early 1930s?)
Elsie Carlisle (early 1930s)
Signed photographic postcard of Elsie Carlisle c. 1932
Elsie Carlisle, no later than 1933. A drawing based on this photo appears in Melody Maker at the end of 1933. From the collection of Terry Brown.
Elsie Carlisle in the center spread of the very first edition of Radio Pictorial (January 19, 1934).
Wills’s Cigarettes Radio Celebrities, 2nd Series #44 (1934)
Elsie Carlisle signed photograph (c. 1935?)
Elsie Carlisle on a 1935 Ardath Tobacco cigarette card. “Film, Stage and Radio Stars” #8 of 50. The reverse says that “…they also say that [Elsie Carlisle] has more “IT” in her voice in her voice than any other radio star.”
Small signed photograph of Elsie Carlisle (1936 or earlier; this photograph appears on the sheet music for the 1936 Billy Hill song “The Glory of Love”)
Elsie Carlisle c. 1936. Photograph signed at the Palace Theatre, Halifax, somewhere between August 26-31, 1940, according to an inscription on the back.
Elsie Carlisle c. 1936. The dress and hairstyle are identical to those in the photo of Elsie on the sheet music to “Up the Wooden Hill to Bedfordshire” (1936). From the collection of Terry Brown.
Elsie Carlisle, probably from the same photo shoot. This photo appears in the February 8, 1936 issue of Melody Maker. From the collection of Terry Brown.
1936 C & T Bridgewater Biscuits Radio Stars #15 trading card
“Elsie Carlisle, charming microphone personality.” Radio Review – Broadcasting Stars (E. Size [February 1936]).
Elsie Carlisle on the cover of “Radio Pictorial” (March 17, 1939)
Concert program for Sunday, April 14, 1940. Signed by Elsie Carlisle and by her pianist, Eric Barker.
A signed photograph of Elsie Carlisle c. 1941-1942. Another picture from the same photo shoot appears on the cover of the sheet music for “Rose O’Day,” which Elsie recorded in March 1942.